Lighting Services Blog

Schools Need LED Lighting Upgrades

Written by Cooper Clark | Aug 22, 2019

    School administration is a tricky business. Balancing competing demands, along with keeping the curriculum great and the hallways supervised, makes it easy to forget something such as lighting. However, the type of lighting a school uses is important, and it may be time to look into what type your institution is using. If your school is using incandescent or fluorescent lights, it is probably time to upgrade to LED lights. There are several reasons for this. 

Eases School Budget

    Every school has to watch its pennies. Equipment, textbooks, and other resources are expensive. You want to conserve your funds so you can have these important items. LED lights don't use as much electricity as traditional light bulbs, and they last longer. This saves you a significant amount of money on your utility bills and lighting supplies so you can spend more on educational things (including field trips!).

Reduces Student Eye Strain

    LED lights are well-known for their bright light, which makes it easier to see things. LEDs can also provide more directional light, instead of diffusing light over a wide space, and this makes it easy to focus light where it is most needed. Since students spend a lot of time staring at small print, having LED lights will make your students' lives easier and lessen the stress on their eyes. This is no small thing: they will spend a lot of their day in classrooms, so this can contribute significantly to your students' health.

Increases Safety

    Students can be distracted and therefore prone to tripping or bumping into things. Bright LED lights inside the building are great at illuminating the corners of a room and wide swaths of halls. They will highlight hazards for anyone, and help supervisors spot students misbehaving before an unfortunate incident happens.  Outside the building, LED lights are superior at protecting faculty, students, and visitors who may be on campus after the sun goes down.  And LED lighting on a school's ball field significantly enhances visibility for evening football games to keep players and spectators safer.  

Discourages Thefts

    Schools often have expensive equipment inside them and are vacant overnight. This makes them attractive to thieves. A good way to keep thieves at bay is to install LED lights on your exteriors and in your parking lot. The bright illumination will make potential criminals feel exposed. This will also make your school look well taken care of, which will make criminals think your school is a difficult target that they should avoid.

Impresses Potential Enrollees

   LED lights are certainly modern in appearance, and they are known to be more sustainable. People thinking about enrolling in your school or enrolling their children in your school will take these two things into consideration when making their decision. It might not be a big part of the decision, but it does make your institution look up-to-date and conscientious. People want to be assured that the school that they are attending knows what the contemporary student needs to learn and knows that taking care of the environment is important.

   With all these benefits coming from upgrading to LED lights, you can see why many institutions are changing to them. If you are interested in doing so, Lighting Services Inc can perform an upgrade for you. We have been in the lighting business for 85 years, and we pride ourselves in our up-to-date knowledge of lighting. If you want more information about lighting upgrades or maintenance, please contact us