Lighting Services Blog

Taking Special Care Of Your LED Lights

Written by Cooper Clark | Dec 07, 2020

LED lights have many benefits for companies. They reduce your utility bill, provide consistent and clean white light for your property, and they look pretty. One of the biggest benefits is how long the LEDs last without flickering. They generally can run for 50,000 hours, and that can help you cross one more expense off this year's quarterly report. However, as with all things, failing to maintain your lights can lead to you losing hours and ultimately paying for replacements long before you are budgeted to. Here are a few tips for avoiding that.

Choose Your Placement Carefully

OSHA has rules about safe places for lights, and you will want to follow those rules to keep employees safe. Beyond that, where you place lights has a big impact on how safe the lights are from factors that can harm them. LED lights work longest when they are placed away from extremely humid and hot places. They should go far above any work space that produces heat if at all possible. They should be sheltered if they are going on an outdoor canopy so that rain doesn't get on them.

Similarly, you will want to put them where it is unlikely that they will get hit with something. Putting a cage of some sort around them can prevent accidentally knocking them loose.

Keep Them Clean

Dust and debris can interfere with any light's operations. They can cause shorts in electrical wiring.
It's a good idea to have the bulbs and fixtures cleaned gently on a regular basis to prevent this from happening. It will also give you a chance to make sure nothing is overheating and that there is nothing obscuring the light coming from the LEDs.

Keeping clean the environment around the LED lights is also important. LED lights work for longer if they are kept in rooms without a lot of dust. This will protect pieces from accumulating dirt that can interfere with operations.

Schedule Regular Inspections

Trained technicians will be able to tighten fixtures and determine the health of the wiring if they check them at scheduled times, and this will ensure that your LEDs function as long as possible. LEDs
don't have the same components as fluorescent lights, but they do have some parts that can develop problems. Regular inspections will catch these problems early and allow a lighting expert to replace components as needed. 

As time passes, LEDs may get put on automatic controls by building owners or the room gets rearranged. Regular inspections can involve adjusting the aim of the LED lights and checking the control centers for problems.

The regular inspection will also help everyone decide when the lights need to be replaced. Relamping all of your lights at once before any of them start to buzz or blink out will save your business from looking neglected.  This is true of other types of lighting as well, but LEDs need this much less often, so you will want to talk to your electrician about their scheduling.

As you can see, LED lights need less love than other types of lighting. So long as you and your lighting company are following these tips, your LED lights will last quite a long while. If you want reliable people to help you follow these tips, or if you think you might want to replace your old fluorescent lights with LEDs, contact Lighting Services, Inc.  We look forward to serving your lighting needs.