Lighting Services Blog

Tips For LED Lighting Upgrades

Written by Cooper Clark | Oct 05, 2020

You have probably heard of all the benefits that come from upgrading your lights to LEDs. For example, the light is gentler on people's eyes, it covers a wider space, and it is more energy-efficient. This makes an upgrade tempting. However, the process is more complicated than randomly buying LED lights. Consider doing the following before you start your upgrade.

Find Out About Rebates    

One of the many wonderful things about LEDs is that quite a few municipalities and electricity providers will offer rebates and other financial incentives when you switch to LEDs. Each state and
city may have a different program, though, and the details of the programs can get complicated. It is
a good idea to look up your options and talk to installation companies who are familiar with the rebate programs to see which one works best for your situation.

Pick A Time    

The timing of an upgrade impacts many aspects of a business. You might prefer to write off the expenses of your upgrade for one set of taxes, for instance. Your industry probably has a certain seasonal rhythm to it, and you might want to pick a time that best suits your schedule. This varies
from industry to industry. A retail outlet will want to avoid anything that might disturb their Christmas shoppers, while a school might want to take advantage of the quiet during the Christmas vacation.
If you relamp on a yearly basis, it might be convenient to do your upgrade at the same time as the relamp.

Tour Your Old Lighting System And Identify What Needs Changing   

Fixtures and lights go hand in hand, and you can't simply screw an LED light into the bulb socket. It might also be the case that an old illumination system doesn't have enough fixtures or they are located in inconvenient places to aid the modern work environment. This can make things tricky, but it also gives you the chance to pick new places for your lights as well as new fixtures.

This means that it is a good idea to know the layout of your current lighting and judge what needs changing. Go through the building and figure out if you basically just want all the old incandescent lights to be replaced with LEDs or if you want to completely revamp your lighting system. Once you have done this, you are free to pick new positions for your lights so that your employees can have optimal illumination.

Brush Up On OSHA's Lighting Requirements   

An electrical lighting company worth its salt will be familiar with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules regarding wiring and lighting. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rules too so that you and your electrician are on the same page. That way, the two of you can ensure that your building is in compliance with the safety rules.

It also can give you an idea of how to light things. For instance, OSHA standards require that warehouses, corridors, and general construction areas be lighted to 5 foot candles, whereas first aid stations should be lit to 30 foot candles. Knowing the difference means that you can allocate more light fixtures to your first aid station and space out the lights in your warehouse. You can, of course, add more lamps, but knowing the rules gives you flexibility.

Fortunately, Lighting Services, Inc., has many decades of experience in upgrading the lighting of businesses. We know how to make an upgrade work best for your company. We even offer regular relamping and maintenance to businesses. If your company is thinking of upgrading your lighting, contact us.