Lighting Services Blog

Benefits of Electric Vehicle Chargers for Your Facility

Written by Cooper Clark | Jan 11, 2024

With plug-in vehicles becoming more common, it makes sense to install electric vehicle (EV) chargers at your place of business.  Investing in EV chargers can quickly pay for itself. Read on to understand the benefits of electric vehicle chargers.                                                                                                                                       


Business Opportunity        

Installing EV charging stations can attract new customers or employees by making your property a convenient destination for people to charge up.  It will increase your facility's popularity. There are also navigation sites and apps that help drivers locate public charging stations that are nearby -- why not add a charger to lead them to your building?

Get 'Em and Hold 'Em        

EV drivers who stop at your place will spend more time at your business while they are waiting for
their vehicles to charge, thereby increasing the probability of their making purchases while they browse.  If you do not run a retail establishment and you are bringing in EV chargers for your employees rather than customers, you can use that perk as a good selling point to attract more applicants and keep them happy after they are hired.

Ramped-Up Revenue

Setting fees for use of your EV chargers can bring in direct income.  There are several ways to do this, such as fees based on energy consumed, fees based on time, or a combination of the two. You could also charge different rates for various user groups; i.e., discounted EV charging for customers who are members of your organization's loyalty club. There are different types of chargers you can choose; i.e. fast charging versus slower charging. At a rest stop or gas station, for example, people are more likely to engage in a quick charge of their vehicles, whereas at a hotel overnight or at their place of employment, their cars are parked for a longer time and a slower charger is sufficient. 

Reduction in Cost

You don't have to shoulder the cost of an EV charging station by yourself.  There may be potential government incentives that could help offset the initial installation expense. Additionally, there are often rebates from utility companies to further minimize your financial outlay.  Your installer can assist you in getting the most reductions available.     

Exploring the Decision to Install Electric Vehicle Chargers    

Before making the decision to install an electric vehicle charger, there are many variables to consider. The type of charger, the location, and the cost are the more obvious ones. You should also be aware of the permit requirements. In addition, you will need help to determine the infrastructure that is needed and any potential changes that will have to be made. For instance, if the charger is located
far away from the electrical panel, you may require more wiring and perhaps some underground trenching. If the panel is not able to handle the electrical load that the charger demands, the panel may need to be replaced.  It's important to contact an electrical company to handle the details.

Let Us Help

EV chargers are increasingly necessary for the future of transportation. Stay ahead of the curve and increase your business by installing charging stations.  Contact us today to get started.