According to safety regulations, your commercial building is required to have emergency exit lights indicating both emergency exit doors and the path to emergency exits if the route is not apparent. But installing your exit lights correctly is about more than just placement. Emergency exit lights need to function properly and safely even in situations where all other lights in the building fail.
This is why most emergency exit lights are connected to a backup battery source that will last at least a few hours after power fails or is cut off in the building. Beyond power source, you should also think carefully about the materials used to build your emergency exit lights and the bulbs that illuminate the signs so that people in dangerous situations can clearly navigate their way to safety.
While emergency exit lights have been made in many different ways, today the most practical solution for illumination is LED diodes. Today, we'll explore the three leading reasons why LED's are the safest and most reliable light source for emergency exit lights.
1) Increased Safety of Cool Temperature Bulbs
Incandescent light bulbs and some gas-filled commercial lights are known to be dangerously hot and prone to explosion in extreme circumstances. These types of light are in no way acceptable for emergency exit lights which will need to continue performing safely even if a building is actively on fire or experiences a power surge.
Unlike traditional bulbs, LED diodes shine at a surprisingly cool temperature. If you were to put your hand to an LED it might be faintly warm but nowhere near the burning heat of an old-fashioned incandescent bulb or even modern halogens. It is almost impossible for someone to get burned touching an LED and they do not explode during power surges, making them a very safe decision for your emergency exit lighting.
2) Minimal Power Consumption in Emergencies
Another interesting fact about LED's is that they require far less electricity than most other sources of illumination. Creating light is one of the most energy-costly uses we have for electricity and LED's efficiency is why they have been touted as the most practical choice for homes and businesses trying to save money on the power bill.
While you may not be concerned about electricity costs when the building is on fire, that same low energy consumption means LED emergency exit lights can shine for a much longer duration on backup batteries. If the power goes out, your LED emergency lights will keep shining to guide employees and guests to safety for hours on a single backup battery.
3) Many Years Before Your Next Bulb Replacement
Finally, LED's are not prone to burn-out the same way incandescent and gas tube lights have been in the past. On top of burning at a safely cool temperature and consuming little electricity, LED's also do not have to be changed for years at a stretch. This provides two great benefits for emergency exit lights. First, you won't have to worry about changing out the diodes frequently to ensure your building is safe. And second, the bulbs you install today will still be burning years from now, creating a cumulative savings on replacement bulbs compared to other emergency light solutions.
Does your building need new emergency exit lights or an upgrade on the exit lights you have? The next time you need to maintain, install, or upgrade your emergency exit lights, use LED diodes for safe long-lasting service. For more information about installing LED emergency lights or upgrading your current lights to LED diodes, contact us today! Lighting Services, Inc will be happy to consult on your situation and advise the best installation options for new LED emergency exit lights.