In the hustle and bustle of operating a small business, safety measures can sometimes take a
back seat. However, one crucial element that should never be overlooked is emergency lighting.
In the hustle and bustle of operating a small business, safety measures can sometimes take a
back seat. However, one crucial element that should never be overlooked is emergency lighting.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple, Commercial Lighting
Vandalism is unfortunately something that most of us have to deal with at one time or another. Thankfully, there are lighting solutions that provide peace of mind even if the power goes out.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple, Commercial Lighting
Your emergency lighting system includes emergency lights and exit signs that guide people to
safety in the event of a fire or power outage. The National Fire Code (NFC) is the standard that sets guidelines for the design, installation, and maintenance of emergency lighting systems. In this article, we will discuss emergency lighting, the requirements of the NFC, how emergency lighting is designed, and the importance of regular maintenance.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple
Businesses, schools, towns. All require a team of dedicated professionals to keep them up and running. That's why, in order to stay on top of everything, the best leaders know you need to hire
the best people to help take care of the actual buildings. The last thing a business owner or school administrator needs is a sudden, unforeseen distraction that disrupts their daily rhythm. That
disruption could come in the form of a Fire Marshal.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Commercial Lighting
Most people know that you have to put an emergency exit light at the point of egress in a building. Putting lights on the other side of the emergency exit is also a good idea. Consider the following.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting CT, Commercial Lighting
During a storm or disaster, you may have experienced power outages. Your emergency lighting system should be ready if you experience a power outage from a small incident or a major catastrophe. Here is where an inverter comes in.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting CT, Commercial Lighting
Eventually, no matter how well you take care of your exit signs, you have to buy a new one for your building. Or perhaps you just bought a building that needs an exit sign to get up to code. Regardless of the circumstance, you will have several designs to choose from. Here are a few options that you might find.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting CT, Emergency Lighting Made Simple
by Cooper Clark on Nov 11, 2019
Regulations require your commercial building to have illuminated exit signs that will work even when the power goes out. This is an important regulation that has saved countless lives over the decades. But why stop there? With the same reliable and safe LED lights and the same (or additional) emergency power system, you can provide your employees with more than just strategically placed exit signs to get them out of the building in an emergency.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems
Emergency lighting fixtures are ever-present in public and business buildings throughout the country, so omnipresent that we often forget they are there at all -- until the moment we need them.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting CT
According to safety regulations, your commercial building is required to have emergency exit lights indicating both emergency exit doors and the path to emergency exits if the route is not apparent. But installing your exit lights correctly is about more than just placement. Emergency exit lights need to function properly and safely even in situations where all other lights in the building fail.
This is why most emergency exit lights are connected to a backup battery source that will last at least a few hours after power fails or is cut off in the building. Beyond power source, you should also think carefully about the materials used to build your emergency exit lights and the bulbs that illuminate the signs so that people in dangerous situations can clearly navigate their way to safety.
Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Energy Savings, LED Lighting, Lighting Maintenance
Blog about facilities' life safety and lighting concerns including emergency lighting, exit signs, interior and exterior lighting.
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