Building safety regulations require that every commercial facility be fitted with a minimum number of lit emergency exit signs. Anywhere the closest fire escape route is not immediately evident must have a visibly lit exit sign with an arrow pointing in the correct direction. Exterior doors must be marked with a similar exit sign, letting everyone know which door leads them to the safe outdoor areas. However, you have no reason to stop at the bare minimum of what the fire marshal demands.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code,
Emergency Lighting,
Emergency Lighting CT,
Emergency Lighting Made Simple
When there is an emergency in your business, school, warehouse or other building, you need to make it easy for people to evacuate. This can be extremely difficult when it's pitch dark. Rather than trapping everyone inside, you can use emergency exit lighting.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Emergency Lighting
It's important that you meet all mandatory fire code regulations at all times. You never know when there will be Fire Marshall inspections to see what's going on within your building. Various forms of equipment need to be present in your building.
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Emergency Lighting Systems
In the midst of every day "normal" life, when the sun is shining and everybody is going on about every day business, it's easy to take for granted those little things we routinely walk past. But emergency exit lights, like alarms, are something you never want to dismiss.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Emergency Lighting,
Emergency Lighting CT
Lighting Services, Inc has been shedding light on the US north-east coast for over 80 years. Our founder, Francis Clark, was a forward-thinker and a fellow of the Illumination Engineering Society (IES). The Society still uses criteria based on the thoughts and ideas of Clark and his fellows.
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Emergency Lighting Systems
- You have 5-6 inch recessed lamps or light heads in your hallway ceilings or doorways.
- Your facility was built prior to 1990 and has never had a major upgrade to its electrical and/or life-safety systems.
- You have various different types of visible stand-alone emergency lighting units in some areas but are void of units in many others.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Emergency Lighting
Some locations where it is difficult to install electrically powered emergency exit signs, such as above doorways, are perfect locations for Tritium exit signs. Tritium exit signs are signs that glow in the dark and contain a radioactive gas called tritium. The gas is enclosed in sealed glass tubes with a light-emitting compound inside. The tritium gives off low-energy beta radiation that causes the lining to glow inside the sign but the radiation is unable to penetrate even a piece of paper or clothing. Just like other more common exit signs, these units serve an important safety function by marking exits to be used during power outages and other emergencies. Tritium signs come in 10 year and 20 year expiration models and are available in a number of colors and configurations.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Emergency Lighting,
Emergency Lighting CT
Most manufacturers of 6 and 12 volt emergency lighting equipment use a cabinet that is frequently larger than needed for the particular battery specified for the wattage of the unit itself. These manufacturers have found that it is less costly to supply only two or three cabinet sizes. However, it is very common that these cabinets have the capacity to hold batteries ranging from 8 amp-hours to 80 amp-hours. In fact, your D.C. wattage load may be as little as 27 watts but can be increased to 200-300 watts just by replacing the battery and increasing its capacity. You must be sure to use the proper voltage and cannot use a 12v battery in a 6v unit; both the charger and lamps are not compatible. With this information in mind, and using larger amp-hour battery, you may be able to add emergency light heads to the top of the unit, run remote fixtures, or increase the run-time of the emergency lights up from the fire-code-required 90 minutes to 3-4 hours for minimal investment.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Emergency Lighting
Over the last few decades there were many 32v D.C & 36v D.C. central emergency lighting systems manufactured by Dual-Lite, Light Alarms, Chloride and others.
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Emergency Lighting Systems,
Emergency Lighting CT