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Vandal-Proof Emergency Lights Explained

by Cooper Clark on Aug 06, 2024

Vandalism is unfortunately something that most of us have to deal with at one time or another. Thankfully, there are lighting solutions that provide peace of mind even if the power goes out.

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Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple, Commercial Lighting

Emergency Lighting: Key Considerations

by Cooper Clark on Mar 15, 2024

Your emergency lighting system includes emergency lights and exit signs that guide people to
safety in the event of a fire or power outage. The National Fire Code (NFC) is the standard that sets guidelines for the design, installation, and maintenance of emergency lighting systems. In this article, we will discuss emergency lighting, the requirements of the NFC, how emergency lighting is designed, and the importance of regular maintenance.

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Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple

Area of Refuge Signs

by Cooper Clark on Jul 25, 2023

Area of Refuge Signs

What is an Area of Refuge?  

An area of refuge (sometimes called an area of rescue) is a designated spot in a building where individuals with mobility challenges can wait for help in case of an emergency and evacuation is not safe or is not possible. It is intended for the elderly, persons with disabilities, sick people, and anyone else who cannot use the stairs to exit.  It has a call button for help and a 2-way voice communication system.

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Topics: Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple

The 90-Minute Emergency Lighting Test - What Is It?

by Cooper Clark on Oct 10, 2022

The 90-Minute Emergency Lighting Test - What Is It?

Emergency lights are important in the event of an emergency, as they can help individuals safely evacuate the building. Building safety codes require that your emergency lights function for at least
1.5 hours. The 90-minute emergency lighting test makes sure that your emergency lights are ready to handle any situation.

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Topics: Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting Made Simple

Fire Marshal Inspections of Emergency Lights

by Cooper Clark on Jan 07, 2022

Businesses, schools, towns.  All require a team of dedicated professionals to keep them up and running. That's why, in order to stay on top of everything, the best leaders know you need to hire
the best people to help take care of the actual buildings. The last thing a business owner or school administrator needs is a sudden, unforeseen distraction that disrupts their daily rhythm. That
disruption could come in the form of a Fire Marshal.

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Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Understanding Emergency Lighting Fire Code, Emergency Lighting, Commercial Lighting

Exterior Emergency Lights: The Basics

by Cooper Clark on Aug 25, 2021

Most people know that you have to put an emergency exit light at the point of egress in a building. Putting lights on the other side of the emergency exit is also a good idea. Consider the following.

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Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting CT, Commercial Lighting

When Should You Schedule Lighting Inspections?

by Cooper Clark on May 21, 2021

Every building should have its lighting systems inspected occasionally. It's important to keep an eye on your lighting as those fixtures and high-powered bulbs have potential to cause injury or even fire if they malfunction. 

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Topics: Emergency Lighting, Lighting Maintenance, Commercial Lighting

Different Types Of Exit Signs To Consider

by Cooper Clark on Nov 10, 2020

Eventually, no matter how well you take care of your exit signs, you have to buy a new one for your building. Or perhaps you just bought a building that needs an exit sign to get up to code. Regardless of the circumstance, you will have several designs to choose from. Here are a few options that you might find.


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Topics: Emergency Lighting Systems, Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting CT, Emergency Lighting Made Simple

Achieving Business Continuity with Generator Installation

by Cooper Clark on Sep 04, 2020

Power outages have a way of clarifying gaps in a plan. In modern business, we plan for every possible contingency. We plan for competition, technological advances, and changes in the economy. We can plan for the changing seasons, but we can't plan for record-breaking storms. Connecticut, home to our headquarters, recently suffered from a significantly widespread power outage. Hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses were blacked-out for days, some for over a week.

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Topics: Emergency Lighting, Emergency Lighting CT

When Your Emergency Lights Are In Wet Locations

by Cooper Clark on Jul 16, 2020

     You don't always get to choose ideal locations for your emergency lights. Sometimes circumstances force you to put your emergency lights in places that are regularly exposed to water. Perhaps the unit gets rain dripping on it, or it's placed where you hose down the walls. This puts the electrical components of your lights in peril. There are ways to prevent this, though. You only need to know the following things.   

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Topics: Emergency Lighting

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Blog about facilities' life safety and lighting concerns including emergency lighting, exit signs, interior and exterior lighting.

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