One word, and suddenly everything is chaos.
"Did I do everything needed to ensure my customers, employees, and business will be safe?"
That is the last questions you want to worry about while dealing with a possible crisis. Fire can quickly get out of control, but you can take measures now to ensure the safety of your business. Lighting Services, Inc. can inspect your facility to ensure your business is prepared in case of emergency.
Each year your business is scheduled to be inspected by the Fire Marshall. Ensuring that your building is maintained and identifying possible hazards, are the top priority to ensure protection of life and property. Safeguard your business by guaranteeing your facility is Fire Code Compliant.
Lighting Services, Inc. sends our factory-trained technicians to inspect your business and certify your emergency lighting and extinguishers are working properly and ready for an emergency. Our technicians are trained to check even the smallest details so you can concentrate on running your business. Some of the services we provide include:
- Test all batteries, chargers and lights
- Ensure battery terminals are clean from corrosion
- Tighten and adjust emergency lighting fixtures
- Upon approval, install and replace needed parts with a full warranty
- Correct deficiencies at no charge for labor or travel in-between semi-annual visits
We understand how much goes into running your business. Let us worry about what we know best, so you can concentrate on what you know best. Contact Lighting Services, Inc. today and learn how we can serve you so you can concentrate on running your business.